
My top five don’ts

A positive life is a happy one. But it doesn’t just happen over night. How do you make it a positive one? What decisions can you make that can have a good, solid impact on your life and put you on the path to success and positivity?

Below are my top five don’ts – from lessons I’ve learned and situations I’ve gone through during my life that have allowed me to grow as a person. Most are day-to-day lessons, and small changes you can make that will impact your life for the better.

Do you do any of these? Now is the time to step back and think about whether they have negative consequences for your life – I know they used to for mine.

Don’t snooze your alarm

When was the last time you got up as soon as your alarm went off? The last time you turned it off, but still remained in bed? Or the time you snoozed it once, twice, three times? You’re one of three people, but being the first person will help you wake up a lot easier.

Set your alarm as something you want to turn off straight away – mine is a siren-style. And then turn it off straight away. And here’s the hardest, but most important, part: get straight out of bed. Snoozing will only make you more sleepy, and then mean you’re rushing around because you’ve left yourself little time to get ready. Starting your day by not giving in and making a tough decision will set you up very nicely.

Don’t spend your money on shit

Treat yourself, treat others around you, buy what you need but don’t be that guy who gets to the end of every single month waiting for payday and to do the exact same thing for another month.

Now, I’m not saying do nothing and save all your money. I’m saying spend it wisely. Have fun, buy yourself clothes and any other little treats, but think before you buy. Do you want to save up to move out, or do you really want that grande Starbucks latte? Saving small amounts of money each month will leave you with a nice sum six months down the line.

Don’t get into pointless arguments

Do you ever scroll down your timeline on Twitter and see some beef and wonder how people have the time to get themselves into those situations? Imagine if you took the time you spent arguing both online and offline and put it into something productive.

I’m 24 and I stopped arguing when I was in sixth form. I realised that nothing is worth negative energy, no one is worth that much time, and if someone doesn’t agree with you – that’s fine. Unless you are massively in the wrong, never feel like you have to defend your opinions or your actions – and don’t let yourself get into situations where that’s the only option.

Don’t believe everything you see on social media

I feel like this is an important one to include because even though we all take 50 selfies before finding the right one, and move our mirrors to ensure we get the Instagram-worthy lighting, we also seem to forget that ‘Insta famous’ people also do this. We also forget that they all have good cameras and ring lights.

Don’t dwell on the fact that someone looks stunning and that you’ll never be like them. Good! You are your own person, and you know the insecurities you have and things you don’t like about yourself? They have them too. Remember that people are normal – and most of those you see on Instagram are showing the highlight reel of their life. So don’t be too quick to judge your life and compare it to others, when you don’t know the whole story of theirs.

Don’t waste your time

I’m one of those really annoying people who needs to be doing something all the damn time. Even when I’m watching a film, I’m on my phone making a list for the next day or simply just organising something. But I love it, and it means I don’t just lie there doing nothing. It means I get shit done, and I make room for plenty of different activities in my life that make it full and worthwhile.

I am incredibly grateful that I am someone who spends their time wisely, and I will always encourage others to do the same. It also makes you cherish the spare time you do get, where you have no responsibilities and you can have a lie in, or spend a lazy Sunday afternoon watching films. Whatever you do with your time, every day, make sure it’s something productive.

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